Time is running out to respond to the House of Commons <a href="http://uktrans.info/inquiry" target="_blank">inquiry</a> on trans rights in the UK.
(link: "The what? <sup><small>(reveal)</small></sup>")[(transition: "dissolve")[
<a href="http://www.parliament.uk/womenandequalities" target="_blank">The Women & Equalities Select Committee</a> is taking written submissions and spoken evidence on the state of Being Trans in the UK in 2015. Only invited groups get to speak, but any member of the public is welcome to submit their thoughts and suggestions.]]
<strong>To make the process a tiny bit easier, we're going to lay a trail of breadcrumbs to lead you through it.</strong>
It won't be a complete submission, but it should help you work out what you want to say.
(link: "Yeah, but why? <sup><small>(reveal)</small></sup>")[(transition: "dissolve")[
Select Committees make recommendations to government about changes to <strong>policy</strong> and <strong>the law</strong>. Conveniently, they've decided to do that now. Less conveniently, there's an awful lot to cover. <em>No pressure...</em>]]
<strong>Shall we continue?</strong>
[[Ok, sure!|confidentiality]]
[[But I'm not trans!|cis folk]]
[[What's this softly-softly nonsense?!|liberalism]]We've made it! There are some topics we haven't covered, such as care, migration or the judicial system, which you may wish to discuss if they're relevant to you.
Due to time constraints, the prompts get somewhat generic towards the end - apologies.
<em>So, to recap...</em>
<strong>Write the name you want to use clearly at the top of your submission</strong>. You should use numbered paragraphs and provide a bullet-point summary at the start. It may also be helpful to define any terminology that you use. (if: not $publish)[<strong>REMEMBER:</strong> If you don't want your submission to be published, you need to make this clear and provide a reason for your request.]
(if: not $over_25)[The committee is particularly keen to have young people's take on education and health. You may wish to emphasise this experience in your submission.]
(if: $education is "school")[<strong>You are currently in school</strong>. Are your teachers sensitive to trans students well-being? Do PSHE classes acknowledge the existence of trans people?](elseif: $education is "fe")[<strong>You are currently in Further Education</strong>. How did the application process go? Were you able to easily update your student records? Do lectures acknowledge trans people's lives and contributions to the field?](elseif: $education is "he")[<strong>You are currently in Higher Education</strong>. How did the application process go? Were you able to easily update your student records? Do lectures acknowledge trans people's lives and contributions to the field?](elseif: $education is "training")[<strong>You are currently in training</strong>. Are your trainers respectful of trans identity? If you're based in the workplace, do you have access to appropriately gendered facilities?](elseif: $education is "left")[<strong>You are not currently in education</strong>. It might be that you've just moved on, but perhaps there are barriers preventing you from returning to education as a trans person.]
(if: $gis is "in")[<strong>You are currently attending the young people's Gender Identity Service</strong>. Are you treated with an appropriate level of respect? Do you have a clear understanding of how you might eventually transition to adult services?](elseif: $gis is "out")[<strong>You are currently attending an adult Gender Identity Service</strong>. Are you treated with an appropriate level of respect? How was the transition from the young people's service?](elseif: $gis is "adult")[<strong>You are currently attending an adult Gender Identity Service</strong>. Have there been any problems in accessing the service? Do you have a clear understanding of what your future care will entail, and what timescales will be involved?](elseif: $gis is "no")[<strong>You are not currently attending a Gender Identity Service</strong>. This might be because you don't intend to seek any clinical support for your transition. If you do wish to seek support, but have been put off for whatever reason, you may wish to talk about that here.](elseif: $gis is "never")[<strong>You won't be attending a Gender Identity Service</strong>. This might be because you don't intend to seek any clinical support for your transition. If you do wish to seek support, but have been put off for whatever reason, you may wish to talk about that here.](elseif: $gis is "past")[<strong>You are no longer attending a Gender Identity Service</strong>. You may still wish to discuss your experiences within the GIS system, particularly if you have been discharged without receiving the care you needed.]
(if: $grc is "ongoing")[<strong>Your application for Gender Recognition is ongoing</strong>. It's early days, but perhaps you want to talk about what went well, and what didn't go so well.](elseif: $grc is "rejected")[<strong>Your application for Gender Recognition was rejected</strong>. Is there anything that could be changed about the process to allow you to successfully seek recognition?](elseif: $grc is "accepted")[<strong>Your application for Gender Recognition was accepted</strong>. Congratulations! Was there anything about the process that could have been easier, or better handled?](elseif: $grc is "not_applied")[<strong>You have not applied for Gender Recognition</strong>. It might be that you're just not bothered, but if there's something about the process that puts you off, you might want to talk about it here.](elseif: $grc is "wont_apply")[<strong>You won't be applying for Gender Recognition</strong>. It might be that you're just not bothered, but if there's something about the process that puts you off, you might want to talk about it here.]
(if: $married is "yes")[<strong>You are married/partnered</strong>(if: $since is "yes")[ since acquiring Gender Recognition. Could the process have been easier or more respectful of you as a trans person?](elseif: $before is "yes")[ since before acquiring Gender Recognition. Did this affect your application for recognition?](else:)[. Could the process (registration, vows, etc) have been easier or more respectful of you as a trans person?]](elseif: $divorced is "yes")[<strong>You are divorced</strong>(if: $since is "yes")[since acquiring Gender Recognition. Could the process have been easier or more respectful of you as a trans person?](else:)[. Could the process have been easier or more respectful of you as a trans person?]](elseif: $married is "no")[<strong>You are not married/partnered</strong>. If this is because of some aspect of UK marriage law as relates to trans people, you may wish to discuss that here.](elseif: $married is "never")[<strong>You don't intend to marry / enter into a civil partnership</strong>. If this is because of some aspect of UK marriage law as relates to trans people, you may wish to discuss that here.]
(if: $work is "applied")[<strong>You have applied for work while trans</strong>. Was the application process made any more difficult for your being trans? Were you treated respectfully by prospective employers?](elseif: $work is "transition")[<strong>You have transitioned while at work</strong>. Was your employer respectful? Did your trade union provide appropriate support?](elseif: $work is "lost")[<strong>You have lost a job while trans</strong>. If this was because of some difficulty arising from your transition (e.g. discrimination), you may wish to discuss that here.]
(if: $security is "applied")[<strong>You have applied for Social Security while trans</strong>. Were you treated respectfully by DWP / HMRC staff? Did you encounter any difficulties during the process?](elseif: $security is "received")[<strong>You have received Social Security while trans</strong>. Were you treated respectfully by DWP / HMRC staff? Did you encounter any difficulties during the process?](elseif: $security is "stopped")[<strong>You have stopped receiving Social Security while trans</strong>. If this was because of some difficulty arising from your transition (e.g. discrimination), you may wish to discuss that here.]
(if: $housing is "shared")[<strong>You have moved into shared housing while trans</strong>. If you encountered any kind of difficulty arising from your transition (e.g. discrimination), you may wish to discuss that here.](elseif: $housing is "rented")[<strong>You have moved into rented housing while trans</strong>. If you encountered any kind of difficulty arising from your transition (e.g. discrimination), you may wish to discuss that here.](elseif: $housing is "homeless")[<strong>You have been homeless while trans</strong>. If this was because of some difficulty arising from your transition (e.g. discrimination), you may wish to discuss that here.]
(if: $health is "health")[<strong>You have accessed health care while trans</strong>. If you encountered any kind of difficulty arising from your transition (e.g. discrimination), you may wish to discuss that here.](elseif: $health is "social")[<strong>You have accessed social care while trans</strong>. If you encountered any kind of difficulty arising from your transition (e.g. discrimination), you may wish to discuss that here.](elseif: $health is "none")[<strong>You have not accessed health or social care while trans</strong>. If this was because of some difficulty arising from your transition (e.g. discrimination), you may wish to discuss that here.]
<strong>And we're done!</strong> Good luck with your submission! Once you've written it up, you can <a href="http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/women-and-equalities-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/transgender-equality/commons-written-submission-form/" target="_blank">submit here</a>.Miss anything during your journey? It's here.Explanation of why I would even do this
(set: $previous to (history:)'s last) [[Back->$previous]](set: $since to "no")(set: $before to "no")(set: $divorced to "no")(link:"Marriage and Civil Partnerships...")[(if:$applied)[
|married_since>[I am married/partnered (since applying for Gender Recognition)]
|married_before>[I am married/partnered (since before applying for Gender Recognition)]
|divorced_since>[I am divorced (since applying for Gender Recognition)]
|divorced_before>[I am divorced (since before applying for Gender Recognition)]
|married>[I am married/partnered]
|divorced>[I am divorced]
|not_yet>[I have not yet married/partnered]
|never>[I have no intention to marry or enter into a civil partnership]
[[Skip this question|work]]
(click:?married_since)[(set: $married to "yes")(set: $since to "yes")(goto:"work")]
(click:?married_before)[(set: $married to "yes")(set: $before to "yes")(goto:"work")]
(click:?divorced_since)[(set: $divorced to true)(set: $since to "yes")(goto:"work")]
(click:?divorced_before)[(set: $divorced to true)(set: $before to "yes")(goto:"work")]
(click:?married)[(set: $married to "yes")(goto:"work")]
(click:?divorced)[(set: $divorced to "yes")(goto:"work")]
(click:?not_yet)[(set: $married to "no")(goto:"work")]
(click:?never)[(set: $married to "never")(goto:"work")]If you're not submitting for yourself, here are some <a href="http://queerbluewater.tumblr.com/post/125960686078/uk-trans-inquiry-a-call-to-action" target="_blank">suggestions</a> for how you might help others with their submission.
[[Back|Introduction]] As it stands, the inquiry will mostly receive responses from (not so) well-meaning charities and individuals who are used to writing in the heavily formal style that a government inquiry demands.
Anything that can break down those barriers is radical. No apologies.
[[Back|Introduction]] Before we begin: nothing you click here is going anywhere besides your own computer. All we're doing is making a list for you to follow.
<strong>This is good</strong>, because it means no one else can see it (hopefully).
<strong>This is bad</strong>, because if you close the window, we might forget what you've said.
(link: "So, confidentiality... <sup><small>(reveal)</small></sup>")[(transition: "dissolve")[Usually, inquiry submissions are published. With your name. So it's worth using a name you're happy to have published.
Alternatively, you can ask for them not to publish your submission. <strong>Note:</strong> You will need to provide a reason for this requeset.
|publish>[It's cool, make it public!]
|nopublish>[Nope, keep me private!]
(click:?publish)[(set: $publish to true)(goto:"triage")]
(click:?nopublish)[(set: $publish to false)(goto:"triage")]Because we're focusing on personal experience, let's narrow things down a bit. You can always come back and look at what you've missed later.
<strong>I am...</strong>
|younger>[25 or younger]
|older>[26 or older]
(click:?younger)[(set: $over_25 to false)(goto:"education")]
(click:?older)[(set: $over_25 to true)(goto:"education")](if: $over_25)[26 is a bit of an arbitrary age, but hey. We'll skip over some things that won't have been so recent for you, but you're welcome to mention them in your submission.
For the following questions, pick the answer which best applies. First up... (link:"Education!")[
|fe>[I am currently in Further Education (College)]
|he>[I am currently in Higher Education (University)]
|training>[I am currently in vocational training]
|left>[I have left education]
(else:)[25 is a bit of an arbitrary age, but hey. Some of these questions make more sense the younger you are.
For the following questions, pick the answer which best applies. First up... (link:"Education!")[
|school>[I am currently in school]
|fe>[I am currently in Further Education (College)]
|he>[I am currently in Higher Education (University)]
|training>[I am currently in vocational training]
|left>[I have left education]
[[Skip this question|GIS]]
(click:?school)[(set: $education to "school")(goto:"GIS")]
(click:?fe)[(set: $education to "fe")(goto:"GIS")]
(click:?he)[(set: $education to "he")(goto:"GIS")]
(click:?training)[(set: $education to "training")(goto:"GIS")]
(click:?left)[(set: $education to "left")(goto:"GIS")]Two down, some to go... (link:"Gender Identity Services")[
Again, pick the answer which best applies.
(if: $over_25)[|a_gis>[I am currently attending an adult Gender Identity Service]
|no_gis>[I am not yet attending any Gender Identity Service]
|never_gis>[I will not be attending any Gender Identity Service]
|past_gis>[I am no longer attending any Gender Identity Service]
(else:)[|yp_gis>[I am currently attending the young people's Gender Identity Service]
|ya_gis>[I am currently attending an adult Gender Identity Service]
|no_gis>[I am not yet attending any Gender Identity Service]
|never_gis>[I will not be attending any Gender Identity Service]
|past_gis>[I am no longer attending any Gender Identity Service]
[[Skip this question|recognition]]
(click:?yp_gis)[(set: $gis to "in")(goto:"recognition")]
(click:?ya_gis)[(set: $gis to "out")(goto:"recognition")]
(click:?a_gis)[(set: $gis to "adult")(goto:"recognition")]
(click:?no_gis)[(set: $gis to "no")(goto:"recognition")]
(click:?never_gis)[(set: $gis to "never")(goto:"recognition")]
(click:?past_gis)[(set: $gis to "past")(goto:"recognition")]
Some of the answers to these next few questions include the phrase "while trans". That just means "at a time in your life when your experience of being trans might have affected what happened". Which is a mouthful. So let's just say "while trans".
(link:"In the workplace...")[
Ok, so more than one of these might apply - feel free to write about all of them. But for now, click the one you have most to say about...
|applied>[I have applied for work while trans]
|transition>[I have transitioned while employed]
|lost>[I have lost a job while trans]
|none>[I have not been employed while trans]
[[Skip this question|security]]
(click:?applied)[(set: $work to "applied")(goto:"security")]
(click:?transition)[(set: $work to "transition")(goto:"security")]
(click:?lost)[(set: $work to "lost")(goto:"security")]
(click:?none)[(set: $work to "none")(goto:"security")](set: $applied to false)(link:"Gender Recognition...")[
(link:"I have applied for a Gender Recognition Certificate")[
(replace:?not_applied)[] (replace:?wont_apply)[]
|ongoing>[My application is ongoing]
|rejected>[My application was rejected]
|accepted>[My application has been accepted]]
|not_applied>[I have not yet applied for a Gender Recognition Certificate]
|wont_apply>[I do not intend to apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate]]
[[Skip this question|marriage]]
(click:?ongoing)[(set: $grc to "ongoing")(set: $applied to true)(goto:"marriage")]
(click:?rejected)[(set: $grc to "rejected")(set: $applied to true)(goto:"marriage")]
(click:?accepted)[(set: $grc to "accepted")(set: $applied to true)(goto:"marriage")]
(click:?not_applied)[(set: $grc to "not_applied")(goto:"marriage")]
(click:?wont_apply)[(set: $grc to "wont_apply")(goto:"marriage")](link:"Housing...")[
Again, more than one of these may apply...
|shared>[I have moved into shared housing while trans]
|rented>[I have moved into rented housing while trans]
|homeless>[I have been homeless while trans]
|none>[None of the above]
[[Skip this question|health]]
(click:?shared)[(set: $housing to "shared")(goto:"health")]
(click:?rented)[(set: $housing to "rented")(goto:"health")]
(click:?homeless)[(set: $housing to "homeless")(goto:"health")]
(click:?none)[(set: $housing to "none")(goto:"health")](link:"Social security...")[
Again, more than one of these may apply...
|applied>[I have applied for social security while trans]
|received>[I have received social security while trans]
|stopped>[I have stopped receiving social security while trans]
|none>[I have not engaged with the social security system while trans]
[[Skip this question|housing]]
(click:?applied)[(set: $security to "applied")(goto:"housing")]
(click:?received)[(set: $security to "received")(goto:"housing")]
(click:?stopped)[(set: $security to "stopped")(goto:"housing")]
(click:?none)[(set: $security to "none")(goto:"housing")](link:"Health and Social Care...")[
Almost there! This question is specifically about your experience of health and social care outside of any Gender Identity Service. Again, pick the one which you have most to say about.
|health>[I have accessed health care while trans]
|social>[I have access social care while trans]
|none>[None of the above]
[[Skip this question|summary]]
(click:?health)[(set: $health to "health")(goto:"summary")]
(click:?social)[(set: $health to "social")(goto:"summary")]
(click:?none)[(set: $health to "none")(goto:"summary")]